Creating a group of automated messages

Learn how to create a group of automated messages.

Event triggers are available for use with an Automated Message. These triggers are based on actions that are performed by customers that allow marketers to capture date and develop personal relationships with customers.

  • Opt-in Date: Begins sending messages based on the date a contact opts-into your database.
  • Custom Event Dates: Begins sending emails based on a date field within your database such as a birthday or contract renewal.
  • Calendar Date: Triggers an email based on a date you specify. For example, if you January 1st as the date, the email triggers on that day.
  • Recurring Emails: Sends the same email over and over again. It can be specified to send hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • None: An event trigger that requires the user to specify a day and time for each email that is associated with the group.
  • Completion Date (Optional): Stops the automated message group at midnight the day prior so that it is in a "completed state" on the date entered.
  • Transact: Select to send a transactional email. Select XML or SMTP.