Registering users

User records contain user names, passwords, and security profiles that determine the applications, options, and data to which a user can access.

About this task

To manage security privileges, you can perform the following functions for users:
  • Manage user status.
  • View user security profile.
  • Specify various user defaults, such as default insert site, default storeroom, default language, and default general ledger accounts for purchasing. The default purchasing account is the general ledger account that is used for desktop requisitions, but not for all purchasing.
  • Grant users the right to access inactive sites.
  • Specify which users can access a screen reader to assist in interacting with the system.
  • Set system-wide security controls and new user default groups.
  • Change passwords (if you are using an external directory, this functionality is not available).
  • Create database users (if you are using an external directory, this functionality is not available).