About the madconfig utility

The madconfig utility can be used to manually install MDM operational server and database components. The installation application uses the utility targets in background processes during installation.

To run any madconfig target, you must open a command-line prompt from the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/mds/scripts directory.

When commands are run, you are prompted to provide more information. For example, to configure the server on which your MDM operational server is installed, you are prompted to provide certain configuration parameters. This example shows a partial output of a madconfig install_server_config target (where user input is a blank line where you enter your response).
C:/MDM/mds/scripts:madconfig install_server_config

Buildfile: build.xml


# Enter WAS home:

# Enter WAS host:

# Enter WAS port:

The utility further prompts for more WebSphere® Application Server parameters, database parameters (JDBC providers and data source in the application server), application name, messaging types to use (connection factories, queues, and topics), and JVM heap size.

An alternative way to run a target is by using the –propertyfile option. The following example shows how to use –propertyfile to run the install_mdm_eba target. This target installs the MDM Enterprise Bundle Archive (.eba) file onto an application server. The properties that are required for deployment include details of the server, the ebaID, the ebaName, the blaName (business level application name), and blaDes (business level application description).
C:/MDM/mds/scripts:madconfig –propertyfile install_mdm_eba.properties install_mdm_eba

The properties that are required by the target are read from the property file. When this option is being used, the values are provided with the exact property names as expected by the target because it can be run only when the property names are known.