Upgrading to the latest feature pack release

To upgrade your Version 11.6 release to the latest feature pack, first back up your current database and customizations, then download the assets, extract them using IBM® Installation Manager, and configure them using the upgrade madconfig target.

Before you begin

  • Update your installation of IBM Installation Manager to version 1.8.1 or above.
  • Review the lists of known issues and issues fixed in the latest release. These lists are available on the IBM Support web site.
  • During the update, you may have to log in to an ibm.com® server using your IBM ID. If you do not have an IBM ID, you can register for one.
Note: For instructions about installing a new InfoSphere® MDM deployment, see Installing InfoSphere MDM.

About this task

Beginning in InfoSphere MDM 11.6, upgrades are released as feature packs. Feature packs are different from fix packs. In a fix pack model, updates are applied to existing applications. In feature pack upgrades, all MDM applications and components are uninstalled and then reinstalled.
Note: For those familiar with the processes used in older versions of InfoSphere MDM, take note that the previous upgrade approach, as well as the approach for applying fix packs using the madconfig target Apply_Fixpack, are no longer valid. This change is effective starting with InfoSphere MDM Version 11.6.
Upgrading to the latest feature pack is a three stage process:
  1. Back up any customizations from your existing deployment, including the database and the application server.
  2. Use IBM Installation Manager to download and extract the feature pack assets.
  3. Install and configure the extracted feature pack assets using Installation Manager and the command line installation configuration tool. This final stage of the feature pack upgrade is comprised of two parts:
    • Installing (extracting) the feature pack using IBM Installation Manager in Install mode in a new MDM_INSTALL_HOME directory.
      Note: After this step, the previous InfoSphere MDM version's home directory and the new feature pack's home directory remain different.
    • Configuring the feature pack by invoking the installation configuration tool (the Upgrade_MasterDataManagement madconfig target). The tool loads the MDM Database and the WebSphere Application Server input parameters from the previous InfoSphere MDM version's property files and then applies the MDM Database delta to the new installation and redeploys all deployment modules on WebSphere Application Server.
      Note: At the end of the configuration stage, the new version of the MDM_INSTALL_HOME becomes active and the previous version is not used anymore, even though it remains in the file system.
As part of the Upgrade_MasterDataManagement target, each MDM application is uninstalled and installed one by one. When the applications are uninstalled, any customizations done to MDM applications are lost. Other customizations will remain. The MDM application customizations must be reapplied after the upgrade has completed.
Tip: Create a backup of your WAS_PROFILE_HOME directory so that you can easily reapply your customizations after the upgrade completes.


  1. Create backups of your current customizations and configuration. These backups are especially important if you have customized the virtual MDM configuration, user interface applications, or data source.
    1. Back up any customized InfoSphere MDM CBAs that are deployed on the server.
    2. Back up your InfoSphere MDM database and application server components.
    3. Back up your WAS_PROFILE_HOME directory.
    Tip: If you encounter any issues while running the Upgrade_MasterDataManagement target, you can roll back the upgrade by restoring your backed up copies of WAS_PROFILE_HOME and your MDM database.
  2. Locate the feature pack release on a source such as IBM Fix Central or IBM Passport Advantage® and download it to a local directory. Extract the files.
  3. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  4. Go to File > Preferences > Repositories and add the files that you downloaded and extracted earlier. Click Apply and OK.
  5. Click Install.
  6. On the Install Packages panel, select InfoSphere MDM Standard Edition or Advanced Edition. Click Next.
  7. Validate the prerequisites for the selected package, then click Next.
  8. Review and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
    IBM Installation Manager will take as many of the installation settings from the previous installation as possible. If prompted, provide any additional details. For more information on these settings, see Installing InfoSphere MDM using graphical mode.
  9. On the Install Packages panel, select InfoSphere MDM Standard Edition or Advanced Edition > InfoSphere MDM upgrade.
  10. Select Create a new package group and enter a new path for the installation (NEW_MDM_INSTALL_HOME). Click Next.
  11. Select the languages that you want to install, then click Next.
  12. On the Select the Features to Install panel, select InfoSphere MDM Upgrade. Click Next.
  13. Review the ReadMe, then click Next.
  14. Set the location of the WebSphere Application Server Profile Home, then click Next.
  15. Review the installation summary information, then click Install.
    IBM Installation Manager extracts the feature pack artifacts into the file system. You will find the extracted files in NEW_MDM_INSTALL_HOME.
  16. Start all of the InfoSphere MDM servers, web applications, and application server.
  17. Open a command prompt and navigate to NEW_MDM_INSTALL_HOME/mds/scripts.
    Important: Ensure that you are logged in as a user with permissions to run database command line utilities (db2, sqlplus, etc). The database upgrade requires these permissions.
  18. Run the following command to start the installation configuration tool:
    • On Microsoft Windows systems, run
      madconfig Upgrade_MasterDataManagement
    • On Linux® or UNIX systems, run
      ./madconfig.sh Upgrade_MasterDataManagement
  19. Provide the details of your deployment as prompted by the installation configuration tool.
    The configuration tool will complete the configuration of your upgraded deployment.
  20. Fix pack V11.6.0.5 or earlier: If your implementation of InfoSphere MDM uses an IBM DB2® for z/OS® database, then you must manually update the database.
  21. Restart all of the InfoSphere MDM servers, web applications, and application server.
  22. Run the installation verification tests to confirm that the feature pack upgrade was successful.
  23. Redeploy any customized InfoSphere MDM CBAs that you backed up at the beginning of this procedure.
  24. Reapply any additional customizations that were configured in your previous installation of InfoSphere MDM.

What to do next

After installing the InfoSphere MDM feature pack release, you must also download and apply the corresponding MDM Workbench feature pack, if applicable.

  1. Browse to www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/
  2. In the product selector menu, choose InfoSphere Master Data Management, and then select the appropriate installed version and platform. Click Continue.
  3. In the list of feature packs, search for Workbench.
  4. Download the latest Workbench feature pack, then apply it using IBM Installation Manager.