Adding event notification destination and events list

Use this procedure to define the destination and message parameters for event notification. Completion of this task results in a configured event work manager. An event work manager creates external event messages that are based on the internal events and passes the message to the event handler.

Before you begin

The supported event notification event types must be added before you complete this task. To verify, go to the Events view in InfoSphere® MDM Workbench and, on the Event Types tab, check for events with a category definition of EVENT NOTIFICATION.

About this task

Event destination and message parameters are defined in InfoSphere MDM Workbench MDM Configuration perspective. For a description of properties, see the event notification properties topic that is listed at the end of this topic.

Task events (Task Created, Task Resolved, and Task Updated) support both predefined system tasks (review identifier, potential linkage, suspected duplicate, and potential overlay) and custom implementation-defined tasks (IDT).

If your implementation manages relationships, you can configure more parameters for the Entity Updated event to include relationship information.


  1. In the Events view, select the Event Notification tab.
  2. Click Add to add a destination
    1. In the Destination name field, you can use the automatically assigned name or type a new name.
    2. Type an entry in the Handler Name field.
      This property is the actual JNDI name for the JMS Queue represented by this destination. To use the default JMS handler, type jms.
    3. Enter any Arguments for the handler. Arguments are generally in the format of key=value. Separate multiple arguments with a carat (^) character.

      If you are implementing the default JMS queue and handler (step 2.b.), specify the JMS and JNDI name for the Queue Connection Factory and Queue Destination in this format: cfJNDI=jms/EMQCF^qJNDI=jms/EMQueue. Where jms/EMQCF is the JNDI name for the JMS Queue Connection Factory and jms/EMQueue is the JNDI name for the JMS Queue Destination.

      IBM® Business Process Manager Express is handled differently.

  3. In the Event Lists grid:
    1. Select the Entity type from the list. If your implementation uses multiple entity types, you must configure event lists for each entity type.
    2. Check the Event Type to publish. You can select multiple events.
    3. Select the View (composite view). The view determines which attributes are published in the notification. For member and task events, select a member-level view or no view. For entity events, select an entity-level view or no view. If a view is not selected, then no attributes are sent in the notification message.
    4. Select "true" or "false" to Enable change detection. If true, then a notification is sent only if data in the composite view is changed since the last message was created. If a composite view is not selected, this setting has no affect on the notification.
    5. Select "true" or "false" to Send updates only. If true, then only those attributes that changed since the last message was sent are published in the notification. If a composite view is not selected, this setting has no affect on the notification.
    6. Select "true" or "false" to Include member list. If set to true for entity event types, a list of members is published in the message entity object. A false setting means that only the individual member is published. This setting has no affect on member event types. If set for task event types, the published list contains all members that are involved in the task.
    7. Select the Message format; either Standard (XML) or BPM (business process management). If you are using the default JMS handler, you must select XML.
  4. If you want relationship information included in your event notification messages, you must select the Entity Updated event type and then set the following parameters for the event type in the Properties view.
    1. Include relationship - set this field to true. When set to true, the next two fields become active. If set to false, the next two field settings are ignored.
    2. Include root node - if you want the Entity ID of the relationship root member, set this field to true.
    3. Relationship types - click ... (ellipses) to open the Relationship Types window. You can select to include All relationship types or Selected relationship types. Click OK. All relationship types is the default if a specific list is not selected.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Deploy the CBA to the operational server.