Configuring the MDM AE/SE user interface

The MDM AE/SE user interface can, and should, be configured before it is deployed to your users.

Before you begin

Install InfoSphere® MDM with the MDM AE/SE user interface feature selected.

About this task

With the installation of InfoSphere MDM, the MDM AE/SE user interface uses a default configuration that enables users to access consent information related to individuals managed in InfoSphere MDM Advanced Edition, as well as consent related to external profiles.

You can configure the MDM AE/SE user interface to suit your organization's needs using the configuration view (https://<server>:<port>/mdm-aese/config). The configuration view allows you to enable and disable certain functionality in real time within the user interface, and also to import or export JSON format configuration files that can include settings that are not directly accessible within the configuration view. For more information about the MDM AE/SE user interface configuration file, see Manually editing the MDM AE/SE user interface configuration file.


  1. Open a browser and navigate to the configuration tool at the following URL:

    Replace server:port with the fully qualified host name or IP address and the port of the server where InfoSphere MDM is installed.

  2. Log in to open the Configuration screen.
    Tip: To return to the Configuration screen later, click on the + icon in the top right corner.
  3. On the Configuration screen, you have the following options:
    Use the Import option to import a configuration file in JSON format.

    Drag and drop the file containing the configuration to the Import button or click the button to browse the local file system. The configuration is applied immediately to this session in the web browser to enable you to test this configuration by navigating to other views of the MDM AE/SE user interface. Before saving your changes, this configuration will not affect any other user.

    To discard the new configuration, sign out of the interface or close the browser tab without saving.

    Use this option to modify a limited set of configuration options for the current configuration.
    Click Open online editor to navigate to this view.
    • From the General tab, you can enable or disable support for physical MDM, virtual MDM, or externally managed profiles.
    • From the Physical MDM tab, you can provide a URL for ElasticSearch REST API. Provide this URL to enable full text searches for person records. If this item is configured, an alternative search screen becomes available that allows users to search for text strings within a full record, rather than specifying the attributes that you are searching for. For more information about configuring full text searches, see Enabling full text searches in the MDM AE/SE user interface.
    • From the Virtual MDM tab, you can:
    • From the Machine Learning Models tab, you can control the training and selection of machine learning assisted data stewardship models. This tab is only shown if a valid machine learning URL has been provided on the Virtual MDM tab. For more information about the Machine Learning Models tab, see Creating and maintaining machine learning models.

    The configuration is applied immediately to this session in the web browser to enable you to test this configuration by navigating to other views of the MDM AE/SE user interface. Before saving your changes, this configuration will not affect any other user.

    To discard your changes, sign out of the interface or close the browser tab without saving.

    After you have validated that your new configuration settings work as expected, choose Save current configuration to store the current configuration in the MDM database. Saving also makes this configuration the active configuration for any user signing into the MDM AE/SE user interface.
    Click Export current configuration to export the currently active configuration to your local file system in JSON format.
    Tip: This option is useful if you want to modify extended configuration options in a JSON editor of your choice, and then later import the modified configuration. For reference and guidance about modifying a configuration file, see Manually editing the MDM AE/SE user interface configuration file.