
This transaction updates the details of an association between a term condition and a business entity.
Web Services
Operation name: updateTermConditionEntityAssociation
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Update the end date for the association between the term condition named No Purchase Necessary and the Web-online Contest campaign.
Usage information
You can use this transaction to update the StartDate and EndDate.
The term condition entity association must exist.
Mandatory input
  • RelationshipIdPK
  • ConditionEntityAssociationLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The term condition entity association StartDate must be less than or equal to the EndDate.
Request message

<TCRMTxType> updateTermConditionEntityAssociation

<TCRMTxObject> EntityConditionAssociationBObj

<TCRMObject> EntityConditionAssociationBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable