
This transaction is used to correct or update the details of a specific interaction for a party.
Web Services
Operation name: updateInteraction
Service name: BusinessServices
Update the details of a specific interaction involving John Smith.
Usage information
Interactions are a means of recording contact history such as telephone calls, faxes, letters, communication from other systems, and others.

The Interaction business object includes an 'invalid' indicator. If an interaction has been created in error, use this transaction to set the 'invalid' indicator on the interaction to Y (yes).

Essentially, all of the information that can be added as part of the addInteraction transaction can be updated using this transaction, including the date when the interaction occurred, the method of communication (such as fax, telephone, or email), the details of the communication, and more.

An interaction must exist.
Mandatory input
  • InteractionIdPK
  • InteractionLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<TCRMTxType> updateInteraction

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMInteractionBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMInteractionBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable