
This transaction updates or corrects an existing relationship between two accounts, agreements, or contracts, or to end a relationship that no longer applies. For the purposes of this transaction, the terms account, agreement, and contract can be used interchangeably and refer to the same business entity: a legal agreement between parties. Unless explicitly stated, each term refers to Managed Accounts and Reference Accounts.
Web Services
Operation name: updateContractRelationship
Service name: FinancialServices
Update a relationship between two contracts to change the effective date of the relationship.

Update the relationship between a "Value Package" Managed Account and a Reference Account to change the start date of the relationship.

Usage information
The required input for this transaction includes the ContractRelationshipIdPK as well as the ContractRelationshipLastUpdateDate.

To make a contract relationship inactive, use this transaction to set an EndDate that is equal to or before the current system date.

Essentially all of the information that can be added as part of the addContractRelationship transaction, including the contract relationship type, the effective date of the contract relationship, the end date, and others, can be changed through this transaction.

The contact relationship to be updated must exist.
Mandatory input
  • OrigContractId
  • DestContractId
  • ContractRelationshipLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
If relating Managed Accounts to other accounts within the TCRMContractRelationshipBObj, the Managed Account must be active.

When adding a ContractRelationship, it cannot be the same as a preexisting ContractRelationship. Relationships are considered duplicates if the OriginalContractId, DestContractId, and RelationshipType elements are duplicates.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> updateContractRelationship

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMContractRelationshipBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMContractRelationshipBObj

Response objects
Special note
The same transaction can be used to update:
  • In the Party domain, Reference Accounts.
  • In the Accounts domain, Managed Accounts and Reference Accounts.