
This transaction searches for task chains that contain at least one task that meets a given set of criteria. The level of detail returned depends on whether an inquiry level is provided in the request.
Web Services
Operation name: searchTaskChain
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Search for task chains that contain at least one task that has been assigned to a specific task owner.

Search for all task chains that contain at least one task that has a specific task name, a specific task status, and a due date within a given date range.

Usage information
Seven search criteria are available:
  • Task name
  • Task category type
  • Task status type
  • Task owner
  • Entity name
  • InstancePK with entity name
  • Task start due date and end due date
At least one search criterion is required in the request, and each additional criterion will further refine the search results.

To facilitate searching for active or inactive tasks represented by different statuses, multiple task statuses are allowed in a search request.

Tasks with the following predefined statuses are considered active:

1 = New
The task does not have a task owner.
2 = Pending
The task is currently assigned to a task owner.
3 = In Progress
The task has been worked on.
6 = Returned
The task has been returned for correction.
7 = Stopping
The task is being stopped.
8 = Stopped
The task has been stopped.

Tasks with the following statuses are considered inactive:

4 = Completed
The task is complete.
5 = Terminated
The task has been terminated.

This transaction supports the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
Any one or more of the following elements:
  • TaskName
  • TaskCatType
  • TaskStatusType
  • TaskOwner
  • EntityName
  • InstancePK with EntityName
  • TaskDueDateStart and TaskDueDateEnd
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 – returns task chain search results plus all TaskBObjs for each task chain. Each TaskBObj contains the WorkbasketBObj with a list of WorkbasketEntityBObj, where applicable.
  • Level 1 – returns level 0 data plus a list of TaskCommentBObj for each TaskBObj.
Note: The inquiry level is optional.
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Wildcard (%) and look-alike (?) characters are supported for the TaskName element. Single, multiple, or a combination of wildcard and look-alike characters are allowed if they are used with a partial TaskName.
Restriction: Wildcard characters generally cannot be used in numeric or timestamp fields.

When a value is not provided for TaskDueDateStart, but a value is provided for TaskDueDateEnd, then the transaction response will return all task chains that contain at least one task that is due on or before the given End date.

When a value is not provided for TaskDueDateEnd, but a value is provided for TaskDueDateStart, then the transaction response will return all task chains that contain at least one task that is due on or after the given Start date.

Entity descriptions are not returned by this transaction.

All task comments, whether they are related to specific task actions or not, are returned with the task details.

The searchTaskChain transaction allows you to search using multiple task statuses as criteria.

The searchTaskChain transaction response returns the ProcessId and DueDate from the task in the chain that has the earliest DueDate value and the Name from the task with the lowest Name value (based on alphanumeric ascending order).

The searchTaskChain transaction does not support the TaskSearchBObj object’s WorkbasketEntityMaxResults condition.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> searchTaskChain

<TCRMTxObj> TaskSearchBObj

<TCRMObj> TaskSearchBObj

Response objects
Depending on the presence of the inquiry level:
Special note
Not applicable