
This transaction selectively replaces the suspect list for a given product.
Web Services
Operation name: refreshProductSuspects
Service name: ProductService
For the Extreme Home Theatre Package product, replace its list of suspects with a product suspect record between the Extreme Home Theatre Package and the Extreme Home Theatre System products.
Usage information
This transaction can be used to replace the product suspects for a given product.
The source product must exist. The suspect products must be active.
Mandatory input
  • SourceId
To add new ProductSuspectBObj objects with this transaction, the following fields are mandatory:
  • SuspectEntityId
  • SuspectStatusType
  • SuspectType
To update existing ProductSuspectBObj objects with this transaction, the following fields are mandatory:
  • SuspectId
  • SuspectLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
This transaction takes the following actions, depending on the list of product suspects provided in the request:
  • Deletes any suspects not in the list.
  • Adds the new suspects to the list.
  • Updates existing suspects that match those in the list.
Request message
<TCRMTxType> refreshProductSuspects

<TCRMTxObject> ProductSuspectListBObj

<TCRMObject> ProductSuspectListBObj

with a SourceId and a list of ProductSuspectBObj.

Response objects
ProductSuspectListBObj with a SourceId and a list of ProductSuspectBObj objects.
Special note
Not applicable