
This transaction returns a preview of the number of records that will be selected for bulk processing task service requests on a set of parties, such as:
  • Person name standardization
  • Organization name standardization
  • Address standardization
  • Contact method standardization
  • Suspect processing
Web Services
Operation name: getTaskLaunchEstimate

Service name: DWLBusinessServices


The Batch Activity Dashboard allows a user to submit batch processing requests to standardize all non-standardized person names, organization names, addresses, or contact methods or to provide criteria to select a set of parties to perform suspected duplicate processing on. This transaction provides the user with a preview of the number of records that can be selected for each such request prior to actually making the request.

  • Example 1: Determine the number of address records that will be standardized by an Address Standardization task.
  • Example 2: Determine the number of parties whose matching data will be synchronized with the InfoSphere® MDM Probabilistic Matching Engine.
  • Example 3: Determine the number of parties for which suspect records will be created by a Create Suspects task that is specified to identify suspects for active persons or organizations that have addresses in the state of California, USA.
  • Example 4: Determine the number of organization parties in a specific back office system with suspected duplicates that will be selected for collapsing by a Collapse Suspects task.
Usage information
This transaction is used to estimate the number of records to be processed prior to actually adding the task to the system for processing. The transaction accepts a TaskBObj that contains the information required to process the task. The Task Definition must be the identifier for a task with task category type of Bulk Processing, such as:
  • Standardize Person Name
  • Standardize Organization Name
  • Standardize Address
  • Standardize Contact Method
  • Synchronize Person Records
  • Synchronize Organization Records
  • Create Suspects
  • Collapse Suspects

Task Category Type should reference the type code defined for "Bulk Processing".

Task Owner Role must be "Bulk Processing".

Task Owner must not be provided.

Task Due Date must be equal to or after the current date.

Task parameters can be provided in the Comment Text of the TaskCommentBObj to define the criteria to be used to select the records that will be processed by the task. The following tables describe the task parameters that are specific to each given task.

Task Search Criterion Task Parameter
Standardize Person name Person Name Standardization Formatting Indicator PERSONSEARCH.STANDARD_IND_NOT
Standardize Organization name Organization Name Standardization Formatting Indicator ORGNAME.STANDARD_IND_NOT
Standardize Address Address Standardization Formatting Indicator ADDRESS.ADDR_STANDARD_IND_NOT
Standardize Address Address Standardization Override Indicator ADDRESS.OVERRIDE_IND_NOT
Standardize Contact Method Contact Method Category CONTACTMETHOD.CONT_METH_CAT_CD
Standardize Contact Method Contact Method Standardization Formatting Indicator CONTACTMETHOD.CONT_METH_STD_IND_NOT
Collapse Suspects Suspect Type SUSPECT.CUR_SUSPECT_TP_CD
In addition, the following task parameters can be provided for any of the evergreening tasks to refine the set of party records that will be selected for processing:
Search Criterion Task Parameter
Client Importance Type CONTACT.CLIENT_IMP_TP_CD
Filter for active contract party roles CONTRACTROLE.ACTIVE_ONLY
Note: This parameter is only applicable if the task parameter for the Product Type is also provided.
Filter for active parties CONTACT.ACTIVE_ONLY

If a custom query is required instead of the dynamic query generated by the system, you can provide it in SQLOverride within the CommentText of the TaskCommentBObj.


A Task Definition with the bulk processing category type must exist.

Mandatory input
  • TaskDefinitionId
  • TaskOwnerRole
  • TaskDueDate
  • PriorityType
  • ProcessId
  • CommentText in TaskCommentBObj
  • Name in WorkbasketBObj
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior

The transaction will return a new TaskCommentBObj containing the following in the CommentText:

  • The total count of records that will be processed by the task.
  • The actual query used to search for the records based on the parameters provided in the original TaskCommentBObj in the request.

The original TaskCommentBObj provided in the request will also be returned.

Request message

<TCRMTxType> getTaskLaunchEstimate

<TCRMTxObject> TaskBObj

<TCRMObject> TaskBObj

with mandatory business objects: WorkbasketBObj and TaskCommentBObj
Response objects
TaskBObj with WorkbasketBObj and TaskCommentBObjs
Special note
Not applicable