
This inquiry transaction returns the recorded party relationship information between two given parties.
Web Services
Operation name: getPartyRelationship
Service name: PartyService
Retrieve relationship details between Jane Smith and her husband, Mark Smith.
Usage information
The input to this transaction is two party IDs (a from party and a to party).

For example, if the relationship between two parties returned is is the employer of , then the from relationship returns the reciprocal relationship, is the employee of.

Relationship types are user-definable through a code table.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • fromPartyId
  • toPartyId
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The transaction returns relationship information (including relationship type, effective date, and others) for all the active relationships that exist between the two parties from the perspective of the from party.

The relationship type must be active for it to be returned; otherwise, the transaction returns a not found error.

Request message
<InquiryType> getPartyRelationship


     <tcrmParam name= "fromPartyId">

     <tcrmParam name= "toPartyId">

Response objects
One or more TCRMPartyRelationshipBObj business objects with the related to TCRMPartyBObj
Special note
Not applicable