
This inquiry transaction returns a specific recorded organization name for an organization when supplying the organization name ID.
Web Services
Operation name: getOrganizationNameByIdPK
Service name: PartyService
Retrieve the legal name for the ABC Company organization.
Usage information
The input for this transaction is the OrganizationNameIdPK for the organization name being queried.
Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • OrganizationNameIdPK
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The response returns the name information for the organization name being queried and includes details such as organization name, name usage type, effective date, and others.

Optionally, this transaction can return the Access Date Value business object (DWLAccessDateValueBObj). If the attrib_access_date_value global flag is set to ON, then the DWLAccessDateValueBObj will be returned at the attribute level in the transaction response.

Request message
<InquiryType> getOrganizationNameByIdPK


     <tcrmParam name= "OrganizationNameIdPK">

Response objects
TCRMOrganizationNameBObj with an optional business object, depending on the value of the attrib_access_date_value global flag:
Special note
Not applicable