
This inquiry transaction returns the information recorded for a given hierarchy. Depending upon the inquiry level provided, the hierarchy, nodes, relationships, and ultimate parent will be returned.
Web Services
Operation name: getHierarchy
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Retrieve a corporate hierarchy.

Retrieve a marketing (type) hierarchy for a corporation (category) hierarchy structure, including all nodes, relationships, and ultimate parent.

Usage information
Not applicable
Hierarchy must exist
Mandatory input
  • hierarchyId
  • inquiryLevel
  • Filter
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 - returns Hierarchy business objects and if an ultimate parent exists, the ultimate parent business object.
  • Level 1 - returns level 0 data plus all node and relationship business objects.
Filter values
ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or ALL (must be in upper case)
Transaction behavior
The transaction returns hierarchy information such as the hierarchy type, hierarchy category, name, description, start date, end date as well as associated hierarchy nodes, hierarchy relationships and ultimate parent information based on the inquiry level.

The ultimate parent, if it exists, will be returned.

Request message
<InquiryType> getHierarchy

<tcrmParam name= "hierarchyId">

<tcrmParam name= "inquiryLevel">

<tcrmParam name= "filter">

Response objects
Hierarchy details based on the inquiry level:
Special note
When a point in time inquiry is requested, the NumberOfChildNodes and NumberOfParentNodes attributes within DWLHierarchyNodeBObj respectively return the number of 'active' child and parent relationships at the requested point in time, regardless of the filter parameter.