
This inquiry transaction returns details of the category associated with a given category administration system key for an external administration system in a given category hierarchy. The category administration system key is provided for this transaction using the concatenated administration system key value from the external system.
Web Services
Operation name: getCategoryByAdminSysKey
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Retrieve the category in the "Internal Merchandising" hierarchy that corresponds to the category code "12-34-5" in the organization's ERP system.
Usage information
Because the same administration system key can be added to more than one category, provided they are in separate category hierarchies, the CategoryHierarchyId is required to identify the category hierarchy from which the category will be retrieved.

This transaction can also return localized content. The request header (DWLControl element) contains the localization parameter, InquiryLanguage. The values for InquiryLanguage must correspond to either LanguageType or Locale, as defined in the CDLANGTP code table. Each request can include one or more InquiryLanguage elements, enabling you to retrieve localized content for all desired locales.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • CategoryHierarchyId
  • AdminSystemType
  • CategoryAdminSysKeyConcatenated
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Because an administration system key is expected to correspond to a single category within a category hierarchy, this transaction returns only one record for each request.

The transaction also returns all category entity spec uses associated with the category if applicable.

Request message
<InquiryType> getCategoryByAdminSysKey


     <tcrmParam name = "CategoryHierarchyId">

     <tcrmParam name = "AdminSystemType">

     <tcrmParam name = "CategoryAdminSysKeyConcatenated">

Response objects
If the optional InquiryLanguage element is provided in the request header, the business objects for localized content are also returned:
The child business object CategorySpecUseBObj may also be returned for each spec associated with the category.
Special note
Not applicable