
This transaction retrieves all the recorded comments on tasks associated with a specific entity instance.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllTaskCommentsByEntity
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Retrieve all the task comments for a given campaign.

Retrieve all the comments associated with the active tasks pertaining to Product number 9098776643.

Retrieve all the active comments associated with inactive tasks pertaining to Product number 1029384756.

Usage information
Optionally, filters are available for this transaction. Using filters, users can retrieve: active comments only, inactive comments only, or all comments, both active and inactive.

This transaction supports the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • InstancePK
  • EntityName
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
This transaction supports filters. Valid values are:
  • ACTIVE - retrieves active comments only.
  • INACTIVE - retrieves inactive comments only.
  • ALL - retrieves all comments that meet the search criteria, both active and inactive.
If the filter is not provided, the transaction will retrieve all comments that meet the search criteria, both active and inactive.

Filter values for this transaction are not case sensitive.

Transaction behavior
Only the TaskId is returned with the task comments; no other details about the task are returned. If you wish to view the task's entities, use the getTask transaction to retrieve the associated entities for the given task.
Request message
<InquiryType> getAllTaskCommentsByEntity


     <tcrmParam name = "InstancePK">

     <tcrmParam name = "EntityName">

     <tcrmParam name = "TaskStatusFilter">

     <tcrmParam name = "TaskCommentFilter">

Response objects
A list of TaskCommentBObj objects
Special note
Not applicable