
This inquiry transaction returns all ancestors, which are nodes that are higher in the hierarchy tree, for a given node, including the ultimate parent and the queried node itself.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllHierarchyNodeAncestors
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
From the Organizational hierarchy, retrieve the Accounting node and all of its ancestor nodes.
Usage information
The retrieval works on a node basis and therefore all node relationships are retrieved for each node, including child relationships of the specified node.

This transaction does not support the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • NodeId
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 - returns hierarchy business objects and, if an ultimate parent exists, the ultimate parent business object.
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The nodes are returned in order from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy. The ultimate parent node is returned first, together with its child relationships and ultimate parent business object. Second level nodes are returned next; each second level node is followed by first, its parent relationships, and then its child relationships. Third level nodes are returned next, and so on, until the specified node is retrieved. Nodes at the same level as the specified node are not returned. Nodes below the specified node are not returned. All parent-child relationships of the specified node are returned. The ultimate parent if one exists, is returned.
Request message
<InquiryType> getAllHierarchyNodeAncestors

<tcrmParam name= "nodeId">

Response objects
DWLHierarchyNodeBObj with optional objects:
Special note
Not applicable