
This transaction corrects an address within InfoSphere® MDM.
Web Services
Operation name: correctAddress
Service name: PartyService
Correct the postal code of an existing address.
Usage information
The required input for this transaction includes a number of primary keys and last update dates.

Essentially, all of the information that can be added as part of the addAddress transaction (including the residence number, street name, city, province/state, country, and more) can be corrected or updated through this transaction.

The Address must exist in InfoSphere MDM.
Mandatory input
  • AddressIdPK
  • LastUpdateDate
  • AddressLineOne
  • City
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
This transaction corrects an existing record. Therefore, even if all the fields in the given Address record are completely changed, the corrected record retains the original AddressIdPK, which is provided in the transaction request. No new Address is added as a result of this transaction.

If Address Standardization is set to ON, the Address will be formatted.

If Address Standardization is set to OFF, the Address will be added as it is entered into InfoSphere MDM.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> correctAddress

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMAddressBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMAddressBObj

Response objects
Special note
Please note, if you use this transaction to correct an existing address when the probabilistic matching engine is configured, the PME derived data for the impacted parties will need to be synchronized. This can be done by invoking a set of synchronizeeMe services for the parties that are using the corrected address.