
This transaction adds an association between a term condition and a business entity.
Web Services
Operation name: addTermConditionEntityAssociation
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Associate the term condition named No Purchase Necessary with the Web Online Contest campaign.

Associate the term condition named Monthly Transaction Fees with the Everyday Savings Account banking product.

Usage information
The term condition must be associated with a valid business entity such as an instance of product, product relationship, or contract.

Sub-conditions do not require an entity association because their ultimate parent will have one.

TermCondition must exist.

AssociatedProduct, ProductRelationship, or Contract must exist.

Mandatory input
  • ConditionId
  • InstancePK
  • EntityName
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior

When adding an EntityConditionAssociationBObj, the EntityName must be either PRODUCT, PRODUCTREL, or CONTRACT.

The combination of the TermCondition and the instance of a given entity must be unique.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> addTermConditionEntityAssociation

<TCRMTxObject> EntityConditionAssociationBObj

<TCRMObject> EntityConditionAssociationBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable