
This transaction adds demographic data to a party. Party demographic types are attached to specs to determine the data that will be captured.
Web Services
Operation name: addPartyDemograhics
Service name: Party
Add a demographic record with a DemographicsType of "Occupational" for John Smith (PartyId = 1234) that shows he has been employed since January 1, 2000 and holds the position of Accountant in the Insurance sector of XYZ Financial Services Incorporated.
Usage information
This transaction can be used to add demographic values for a Party. The Value element of the TCRMPartyDemographicsBObj contains data in XML format, in accordance with the spec. You can define a spec to determine the attributes of a particular demographics type. For example, an "Occupational" type spec has four attributes, and one attribute is mandatory.
Note: To define a spec, use the physical MDM Administration transaction addSpecFormat.
A Party must exist and be active.

DemographicsType must exist and be active.

Mandatory input
  • PartyId
  • DemographicsType or DemographicsValue
  • Value within the AttributeValueBOBj in the TCRMDemographicSpecValueBObj
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
DemographicsType is used to retrieve the defined demographics spec. The latest version of the spec format attached to the demographics spec is used to validate the demographics data in the Value field.

The SpecFormatId is optional. If the SpecFormatId is provided, it is validated against the active spec format of the demographic spec.

If the StartDate is not supplied, the current system date is used by default.

The EndDate must be greater than the StartDate.

Request message

<TCRMTxType> addPartyDemographics

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyDemographicsBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMPartyDemographicsBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable