
This transaction adds an insurance product.
Web Services
Operation name: addInsuranceProduct
Service name: ProductService
Add a Universal Life Insurance product that is of an Insurance product type.
Usage information
AddInsuranceProduct can be used as a coarse-grained transaction to add the following business objects:
  • ProductIdentifierBObj
  • ProductAdminSysKeyBObj
  • ProductCategoryAssociationBObj
  • ProductRelationshipBObj
  • ProductSpecValueBOBj
  • TermConditionBObj

You can further define an insurance product as either a root product or a variant product using the VariantAllowedInd and VariantOfProductId elements. For details, see the transaction addProductInstance.

Localized content can be added for the Name, ShortDescription, and Description elements. Product spec values can also be localized.

Product spec values (ProductSpecValueBObj) can be added to the product if there are specs linked to the product's type or to the categories associated with the product. For details, see the transaction addProductInstance.

The specified product type must be active.

When adding a relationship to another product, that product must exist.

When adding an association to a category, that category must exist and allow products to be categorized into it. Also, the product must not already be in that category for the StartDate and EndDate provided.

When adding product spec values, the spec on which the values are based must be identified for use by the given product's type or the categories associated with the product through active entity spec uses. For details, see the addEntitySpecUse transaction reference.

Mandatory input
  • ProductTypeId
  • Name
  • ProductStructureType
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The ultimate parent of the specified product type must be an insurance product.

When adding product spec values, all product spec values are validated against the provided spec format. This validation can be configured on or off using external validation.

When adding a ProductSpecValueBObj, either the SpecFormatId (associated with the ProductSpecValueBObj) or the target SpecNameSpace in the XML document must be provided.
  • If one of these values is missing, both SpecFormatId and SpecNameSpace will be available and in synch before validation. In other words, they will both identify the same Spec format.
  • If both the SpecFormatId and the SpecNameSpace are provided, validation is performed to ensure that they both identify the same Spec format.

When adding a TermConditionBObj, an EntityConditionAssociationBObj is required. Within the EntityConditionAssociationBObj, the EntityName must be either PRODUCT or PRODUCTREL.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> addInsuranceProduct

<TCRMTxObject> InsuranceProductBObj

<TCRMObject> InsuranceProductBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable