
This transaction adds a set of answers to a Questionnaire for a Party.
Web Services
Operation name: addAnswerSet
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Add a set of answers for John Smith to the Investment Profile questionnaire.

Add a set of answers for Jane Smith to the Investment Profile questionnaire. Add the answer 20 to the AnswerSet for the question, What is your historical rate of return percentage on your investments?

Usage information
An AnswerSet can only be added to a Questionnaire if the Questionnaire is in an active state. Questionnaires are considered to be in an active state when the StartDate is before the current date and the EndDate is after the current date.

The language of the AnswerSet must be the same language as the Questionnaire.

AddAnswerSet can also be used as a coarse-grained transaction to add an AnswerSet and Answers at the same time. When using the transaction in this way, the simple transaction AddAnswer may also apply.

Party and Questionnaire must exist in an active state.
Mandatory input
  • AnswerParty - You can fill AnswerParty with a partyId that exists already in the MDM database.
  • QuestionnaireId
  • LanguageType
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
To identify the AnswerParty, you must provide either:
  • valid EntityName and InstancePk values
  • an AnswerParty number
  • both

The AnswerParty refers to the person or organization that filed the AnswerSet. It does not refer to the person or organization that recorded the answers in the database. AnswerParty is mandatory, but it can be filled with a partyId that exists already in the MDM database.

The EntityName and InstancePk elements refer to an existing entity that this AnswerSet is about, such as a certain product or account. The EntityName element provided for the AnswerSet should exist. The value provided for the InstancePk element should exist for the given EntityName.

An AnswerSet is added in an active state if the EndEate is after the current date; otherwise, it is considered inactive.

An AnswerSet is uniquely identified by AnswerParty, QuestionnaireId, and LanguageType. The transaction fails if an AnswerSet already exists with the values provided for these fields.

Request message

<TCRMTxType> addAnswerSet

<TCRMTxObject> AnswerSetBObj

<TCRMObject> AnswerSetBObj

with one or more optional AnswerBObj business objects

Response objects

with one or more optional AnswerSetBObj business objects

Special note
Not applicable