Search inquiry levels

The search results returned in a search contain the basic details of each party found. There may be times when additional details are required.

To facilitate the return of additional details, search transactions support an InquiryLevelSource, InquiryLevelType, and InquiryLevel.

An InquiryLevelSource dictates whether search result details are returned using product-defined behavior or an external rule. Valid values for InquiryLevelSource are:

  • 0 or null – returns basic search results. InquiryLevelType and InquiryLevel are not applicable.
  • 1 – returns additional party details based on product-defined behavior according to the values of InquiryLevelType and InquiryLevel.
  • 2 – returns additional party details based on an externally defined inquiry (such as External Rule 9 – Search Party), according to the values of InquiryLevelType and InquiryLevel.

An InquiryLevelType describes what type of additional detail to retrieve and is coupled with an inquiry level and secondary inquiry level. InquiryLevelType is applicable only when the InquiryLevelSource value is 1 or 2. Valid values for InquiryLevelType are:

  • 0 or null – returns basic search results. Any InquiryLevel provided will be ignored.
  • 1 – If InquiryLevelSource is 1 (product-defined behavior), this returns additional party details based on the InquiryLevel value. If InquiryLevelSource is 2 (external rule driven inquiry), this returns additional party details as determined by the external rule and the provided inquiry levels.

An InquiryLevel is associated with an InquiryLevelType and determines the level of additional detail to be returned. The transaction can include up to two separate inquiry levels: InquiryLevel and SecondaryInquiryLevel.

  • When InquiryLevelSource is 1 (product-defined behavior) and InquiryLevelType is 1, the InquiryLevel corresponds to the same party inquiry levels used in the getPerson or getOrganization transaction. If it is not set in the request, the default value of 0 is used. In this case, the SecondaryInquiryLevel is not used.
  • When InquiryLevelSource is 2 (external rule driven inquiry) and InquiryLevelType is 1, the inquiry levels are dependent on External Rule 9 for search party. With the default rule, InquiryLevel is used as the contract inquiry level. In this case, a default value of 1 is used if not set in the request, since the getAllContractsByParty transaction requires an inquiry level of 1 or higher. SecondaryInquiryLevel is used as the party inquiry level. If not set in the request, the SecondaryInquiryLevel uses the default value of 0.
Note: For details on party inquiry levels and contract inquiry levels, see the getPerson, getOrganization and getContract transaction documentation.
Table 1. Search Inquiry Levels
Inquiry Level Source Inquiry Level Type Description
0 or null Not applicable Basic search results only.
1 (Product-defined) 0 or null Basic search results only.
1 Party Inquiry – will return additional details according to the getParty inquiry levels.

The additionalResultDetails vector will be of cardinality 1, and it will contain a TCRMPartyBObj object, such as TCRMPersonBObj or TCRMOrganizationBObj.

2 or greater Unavailable.
2 (External rule) 0 or null Basic search results only.
1 Externally Defined Inquiry – will return additional details according to the External Rule 9 - Search Party.

The default implementation of External Rule 9 is to retrieve Contract Party Role details for each of the contracts that the found party plays a role in.

2 or greater Unavailable.
Note: A Basic search result includes a name, primary residence or business address, one identification number (SSN or TIN), and any control details (number of parties found, result score) within the search result business object.