Extending the Delete capability

All data and service-level extension points are available to extend this Delete capability.

About this task

To configure the external validations for Delete Capability:


Modify the external validation com.dwl.tcrm.validation.validator.PartyDeleteValidations.
The external validator contains party and children deletion rules. There are five external rules that are provided in the delete capability feature:
  • RuleId:89: com.dwl.tcrm.externalrule.RetrieveAllPartyDetailsRule

    This external rule is invoked by deleteParty and deletePartyWithHistory transactions. It retrieves all party and children objects information to validate and then delete.

  • RuleId: 90: com.dwl.tcrm.externalrule.DeletePartyValidationExternalRule

    This external rule is invoked by party and children object at component level delete validation. The rule has no business logic implementation by default.

  • RuleId: 91: com.dwl.tcrm.externalrule.DeletePartyAssociationsRule

    The external rule to retrieve all the party associations and checks for deletion rules around each of party associations with respect to the party. After the checks, invoke component delete operation for the party association.

  • RuleId: 92: com.dwl.tcrm.externalrule.ValidatePartyRoleChildrenDeleteRule

    This external rule is invoked by ContractPartyRole at the component-level delete validation. It contains business delete rules for party role children object.

  • RuleId: 93: com.dwl.tcrm.externalrule.DeletePartyHistoryRule

    The external rule is invoked by delete transactions, it would delete party and children object history information.