Standardizing name, address, and phone number information

You can use a standardizer to ensure that names, addresses, and phone numbers are stored in InfoSphere® MDM using the same format.

Depending on configuration, the standardizer will also normalize address and phone number information. You can use the default standardization that comes with InfoSphere MDM, or you can use standardizers from other products such as IBM® InfoSphere QualityStage.

Note: The generic Entity Standardization Framework can be used to standardize data for any business object.
InfoSphere MDM offers the ability to store party names and addresses in a standardized form. Address standardization does the following:
  • Corrects and completes missing elements of an address.
  • Supports address searching without requiring the address to use a particular format. For example, you can search for "123 Main St.” and “123 Main Street” will also be returned.
  • Minimizes or eliminates duplicate addresses in the address table.
  • Stores addresses separately from parties and shares them between parties, so two different parties who are at the same address (such as a husband and wife) can share the same address information.

This chapter describes when standardization is used in InfoSphere MDM, how standardization and normalization works within the product, and how to use the different standardization implementations that are available for configuration including the Default Standardizer and QualityStage Standardizer.