Oracle: Adding new InfoSphere MDM database objects to the upgraded Initiate database

As part of setting up the database, you must add some database objects from your new InfoSphere® MDM installation to the existing Initiate® database. The steps that follow apply to systems that use Oracle databases.


  1. Before adding the database objects, create the tablespaces in which the physical tables will be stored:
    1. Navigate to the MDM_INSTALL_DIR\temp\temp_session\database\CoreData\Full\Oracle\Standard\ddl directory.
    2. Open the create_schema_ora.sql file.
    3. Follow the instructions in the file and replace the placeholders for tablespace names, database name, and schema with appropriate values. Ensure that the values you provide match the values in the Installation Manager Database Configuration Panel. The tablespace names provided in the Installation Manager are also be available within the file within the MDM_INSTALL_HOME\properties directory. Refer to the file to ensure you provide the correct values.
    4. Log in to the database using the connect statement and run the file using sqlplus SYS/ORACLE AS SYSDBA @create_schema_ora.sql.
    5. Open the create_schema_ora_cfmgr.sql file in the MDM_INSTALL_HOME\temp\temp_session\database\CoreData\Full\Oracle\Standard\ddl directory.
    6. Follow the instructions in the file and replace the placeholders for tablespace names, database name and schema with appropriate values.
    7. Log in to the database using the connect statement and execute the file using sqlplus SYS/ORACLE AS SYSDBA @create_schema_ora_cfmgr.sql.
  2. Within the InfoSphere MDM 11.4 instance, navigate to the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties directory.
  3. Open the properties file.
  4. Change the values of the properties in the file in order to point to the existing database that you need to upgrade.
  5. For the user.db.password parameter, change the asterisks to the correct password for the database.
  6. For the following properties files, make the same changes to point to the existing database and supply the database password:
  7. Add the following properties to the configuration file:
    • db.mtz.enabled=false
    The Installation Manager provides sample values for db.mtz.enabled and The values are available in the configelement table of the database where MDM is installed. Use the following statements to obtain the sample values:
    • To obtain the value for db.mtz.enabled:
    • To obtain the value for
  8. Within the InfoSphere MDM 11.4 instance, navigate to the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/mds/scripts directory.
  9. To create the Core tables and load gold data into the tables, run the following madconfig target:
    • For Microsoft Windows: madconfig install_core_db_ora -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
    • For Linux and UNIX: ./ install_core_db_ora -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
  10. To create the Domain tables and load gold data into the tables, run the following madconfig target:
    • For Microsoft Windows: madconfig install_domain_db_ora -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
    • For Linux and UNIX: ./ install_domain_db_ora -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
  11. To create the Configuration Management tables and loads gold data into the tables, run the following madconfig target:
    • For Microsoft Windows: madconfig install_cm_domain_db_oracle -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
    • For Linux and UNIX: ./ install_cm_domain_db_oracle -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
  12. In order to update certain rows in the Configuration Management tables, run the following madconfig target:
    • For Microsoft Windows: madconfig update_cm_db_oracle -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/
    • For Linux and UNIX: ./ update_cm_db_oracle -propertyfile MDM_INSTALL_HOME/properties/

Last updated: 22 Nov 2017