Installation error: httpPort property cannot be blank

The httpPort property cannot be blank


This issue might cause the InfoSphere® MDM installation to fail and trigger a complete installation rollback.

There are two possible cases that can cause this issue to arise:
  • During InfoSphere MDM installation, the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server node agent is unable to process interactions with the InfoSphere MDM installation application.
  • The HTTP transport chain has been disabled for the server to use as a deployment target while installing InfoSphere MDM deployment modules.
If these situations occur, the installation session is interrupted and the installation application gives an error message before the installation rollback is triggered.
The warning message is similar to this IBM Installation Manager log file example message:
Error occurred in phase: install SU: 11.0.0.FP00IF000_20130502-1800 IU: null->999.999.999.1127209126 Message: Error executing "/opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/mds/scripts/" operation (status=1). See agent output log for more information: /home/var/ibm/InstallationManager_LocalTesting_AE007/logs/native/TIME_STAMP.log 
Buildfile: build.xml

Creating new property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/
Updating property file: /opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/properties/

/opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/mds/scripts/build-utils-app.xml:1508: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/IBM/MDM/E453/mdm/mds/scripts/build-utils-config.xml:618: ERROR: httpPort property cannot be blank.

Total time: 1 second


  • Make sure that the IBM WebSphere Application Server node agent is up and running. Start the node agent and run the InfoSphere MDM installation again. If you are deploying in a clustered environment, start all nodes in the cluster.
  • Make sure that the IBM WebSphere Application Server node agent is properly synchronized with the Deployment Manager. Synchronize the node agent and run the InfoSphere MDM installation again. If you are deploying in a clustered environment, synchronize all nodes in the cluster.
  • Make sure that the HTTP transport chain has not been disabled for the server to use as a deployment target:
    1. In the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, go to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > <cluster member name> > Ports.
    2. In the list of available ports, locate WC_defaulthost and click View associated transports.
    3. Go into HttpQueueInboundDefault, select Enable, then click OK and save your changes.
    4. Go into WCInboundDefault, select Enable, then click OK and save your changes.
    5. Compete the preceding steps for each cluster member, then restart the whole cluster.
      Tip: Restarting cluster members will not work. You must restart the whole cluster.
  • If you are deploying in a clustered environment, make sure that the defined cluster member names are unique.

Last updated: November 6, 2015