Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 10.1

Creating the soapUI HTTP Basic Auth header

About this task

soapUI supports adding custom HTTP headers into the web service request. Unfortunately, soapUI does not include support for HTTP Basic Auth. The user must create the header manually.


  1. In the Request window, select the “Headers” tab on the lower left.
  2. Click + to add a header. The name of the header must be “Authorization.” Click OK.
  3. In the value box, type the word “Basic” plus the base64-encoded username:password. Use a base 64 encoder/decoder tool to create the base64 user:password string. For example, the Base64 version of “testuser:testpwd” is “dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHB3ZA==” so the Value for the header would be
    Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHB3ZA==


Timestamp Last updated: 9 Oct 2012

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