Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 10.1

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InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench Tutorial

This tutorial was developed to provide a practice scenario to help you understand how to develop, create, and edit changes to InfoSphere® MDM Server using Extension tooling and Metadata tooling.

Before installing and using InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench, ensure that you have installed IBM® InfoSphere Master Data Management Server and related prerequisite software installed. See the InfoSphere MDM Server ReadMe for full prerequisite hardware and software requirements information.
When installing Rational® Software Architect for WebSphere® or Rational Application Developer for WebSphere, ensure that you install the following features:
  • Java™ EE and Web services development tools
  • Data tools
  • Tools for WebSphere Application Server version 8.0
  • WebSphere Application Server version 8.0 compile-time dependencies.
Note: Although this document refers to IBM Rational Software Architect, the information is also applicable to IBM Rational Application Developer. If you are using Rational Application Developer, ensure you have installed the optional Extensibility -> Jet Transformation Authoring and Runtime feature.

The InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench version 10.1 supports InfoSphere MDM Server versions 9.0.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, 10.0 and 10.1.

The InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench contains tools for generating:
  • Data additions, to add a new data entity.
  • Data extensions, to extend an existing data entity with additional attributes.
  • Behavior extensions, to add new functionality to transactions or the underlying actions within the transaction.
  • Query extensions, to modify how the data is accessed.
  • Entity subtypes, to provide an inheritance model for data additions.
  • InfoSphere MDM Server metadata specs, which are used to define extensions to first class entities within the InfoSphere MDM Server data model.
  • Product type hierarchy models, which can be used to create a product type hierarchy to the InfoSphere MDM Server.
Basic instructions are included to illustrate the use of each of the fundamental Workbench elements:
  • Extensions tooling: used to create hard types, or the data additions, extensions, behavior (service) extensions, and query extensions, described above, that physically change the database structure and the running code of the InfoSphere MDM Server application.
  • Metadata tooling: used to create soft types, or the metadata specs and Product type hierarchies, described above, that can be exported to a server using services without changing the underlying data model or the server code.

Learning objectives

In this tutorial, you will become more familiar with the InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench by learning:
  • How to create physical customizations using extension tooling by:
    • Creating a new hub module project and new entity for it
    • Creating addition definitions and attributes for the new entity
    • Creating data extensions and definitions
    • Creating behavior extensions and definitions
    • Generating the physical extension implementation
    • Viewing the InfoSphere MDM Server artifacts generated by the Workbench
    • Editing Workbench generated Code Table SQL
    • Deploying the DDL to the database and republishing the InfoSphere MDM Server application
  • How to create metadata customizations using metadata tooling by:
    • Creating a metadata project
    • Creating a metadata spec
    • Creating a Product type hierarchy
    • Deploying metadata to InfoSphere MDM Server

Time Required

The time required to finish both of the sections of this tutorial is about one hour and fifteen minutes.


In order to proceed with this tutorial, you must have installed InfoSphere MDM Server, the InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench, and have set up the necessary environment according to your needs.

For detailed information on system and setup prerequisites for using the InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench, see the Understanding the InfoSphere MDM Server Workbench and Setting up your development environment topics of the Workbench topics.

The interface of the Rational Software Application is made up of Perspectives and Views. Perspectives allow the environment to be used for many different tasks. Views show different pieces of Data on the Screen. In this tutorial, use the Java EE Development Perspective.

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Timestamp Last updated: 19 Oct 2012

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