Resource connector enhancements

The following enhancements affect LSF resource connector.

Specify host project ID for Google Cloud to generate subnet and VPN values

You can now specify a host project ID for the LSF resource connector for Google Cloud to generate subnet and VPN values.

To specify a host project ID, specify the new hostProject parameter in the googleprov_templates.json file. The LSF resource connector uses the specified host project ID to generate the VPN and subnet values instead of the Google Cloud Project ID (that is, the GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID parameter in the googleprov_config.json file). If not specified, LSF resource connector continues to use the Google Cloud Project ID to generate subnet and VPN values.

Configure launch templates for AWS

You can now specify a launch template in the LSF resource connector template for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and specify which version of the launch template to use. A launch template is an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) feature that reduces the number of steps that are required to create an AWS instance by capturing all launch parameters within one resource. You can launch both On-Demand and Spot Instances with launch templates.

To specify a launch template, define the launchTemplateId parameter in the awsprov_templates.json file. To select a specific launch template version, define the launchTemplateVersion parameter in the awsprov_templates.json file.

Configure EFA network interfaces for AWS

You can now attach an Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) network interface to the LSF resource connector template for AWS. EFA is a network interface for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances that allows you to run HPC applications with improved levels of communication between several different nodes. You can attach EFA network interfaces to both On-Demand and Spot Instances.

To attach an EFA network interface to an AWS instance, you can either set the interfaceType parameter value to efa in the awsprov_templates.json file or enable it from the network interface section of the launch templates in the AWS EC2 Console.

You can only specify an EFA network interface for supported AMI or instance types. For more details on supported AMI or instance types for EFA interfaces, refer to the Amazon Web Services website (

Configure image names for CycleCloud

You can now specify the image name of the Azure Machine Image in the LSF resource connector template for Microsoft Azure CycleCloud. This also allows you to specify versions of the image from the Azure Shared Image Gallery.

To specify the image name of the Azure Machine Image, define the new imageName parameter in the cyclecloudprov_templates.json file.