The default job execution model uses UNIX group information that is set on the execution side and cannot be set by the user. Setting the LSF_UGROUP_TRANSFER parameter enables users to specify a supplementary group from the client side.




When set to Y|y, transfers secondary user groups from the submission host to the execution host for job execution.

The order of a secondary user group is important since an NFS limitation only checks the first 16 secondary user groups for appropriate permission. Transferring the secondary group order from the submission host to the execution host addresses this limitation. However, the user must ensure the secondary user group order on the submission host is valid for the job before submission.

This does not affect primary user group behavior on the execution host.

Note: When using LSF multicluster capability, you must set this parameter to Y|y on each cluster.
Note: This feature does not work with container jobs (for example, Docker).
