


Enables registration handling for LSF hosts without requiring the use of DNS to resolve local hosts.

If set to Y or y on the LSF server, allows LIM on the server to receive registration requests from hosts that are running the lsreghost service. LIM then stores the host name, IP address, and (on Windows only) the computer SID of the host in the reghostscache file. LSF daemons look for host records in this file when attempting to look up host names or IP addresses before using DNS.

By default, the reghostscache file is stored in the file path as defined by the LSB_SHAREDIR parameter in the lsf.conf file. Define the LSB_SHAREDIR parameter so that the reghostscache file can be shared with as many LSF servers as possible. For all LSF servers that have access to the shared directory defined by LSB_SHAREDIR, only one of these servers need to receive the registration request from the host. This reduces network load by reducing the number of servers to which the registration request must be sent. If all hosts in the cluster can access LSB_SHAREDIR, the registration only needs to be sent to the management host LIM, which records the host information in the shared reghostscache file that all other servers can access. If LSB_SHAREDIR is not defined, the reghostscache file is placed in the LSF_TOP directory.

After enabling this parameter on the LSF servers, create the hostregsetup file on the local host or a location that is accessible to the local host. This file contains a list of LSF servers to which the local host must register itself, with one server name on each line (empty lines and #comment text are ignored).

Note: If LSF_SHAREDIR is accessible to all servers in the cluster, only the management host LIM host needs to be specified in the hostregsetup file.
Run the lsreghost command with the full file path to thehostregsetup file to enable the local to register itself to the specified LSF servers:
  • On a Windows host, run lsreghost -i file_path\hostregsetup to install the lsreghost service onto the local host, which runs as a service that automatically starts up every time the local machine starts up. For example, lsreghost -i C:\LSF_9.1\hostregsetup
  • On a Linux host, run lsreghost -s file_path\hostregsetup with root privileges to have the local host send a single registration message to all LSF servers that are listed in the hostregsetup file. If you want to run lsreghost at set intervals, set up a Linux cron job.

For details on all lsreghost command options, run lsreghost -h on the local host.

If LSF_CONNECTION_CHANGE=Y is set in the lsf.conf file on the local host, lsreghost also registers the local host with the LSF servers if it detects a change in the total number of connections (that is, IP addresses) that are associated with the local host.

If the LSF_REG_HOST_INTERVAL parameter is set to an integer in the lsf.conf file on the local host, lsreghost sends a new registration message to the LSF servers after the defined interval.



See also