


In LSF, if the sshd daemon is configured to display a banner message to remote users, the unexpected output of the banner message might cause the use of ssh and scp within the LSF Data Manager to fail.

You can control the use of ssh and scp in LSF Data Manager by specifying two lsf.conf parameters LSF_DATA_SSH_CMD and LSF_DATA_SCP_CMD.

LSF_DATA_SSH_CMD defines the default SSH command.

LSF_DATA_SCP_CMD defines the default SCP command.

If you change the value of the LSF_DATA_SSH_CMD or LSF_DATA_SCP_CMD parameter, you must restart the dmd daemon to apply the changes by running the bdata admin reconfig command.

The LSF_DATA_SCP_CMD and LSF_DATA_SSH_CMD parameters affect job transfer scripts. As of Fix Pack 14, however, these parameters no longer affect job transfer scripts; they affect the bstage command when the staging area is not mounted on the execution host of the user's job instead. For an LSF administrator to change how job transfer scripts use scp or ssh, they must modify the job transfer scripts directly.

Valid values

Minimally, set LSF_DATA_SCP_CMD="scp" and LSF_DATA_SSH_CMD="ssh". Any valid ssh or scp option can be used. Use only options that do not require entering any information interactively. Valid options are as follows:
Quiet mode. Suppresses all warning and diagnostic messages.
-o PasswordAuthentication=no
Specifies that password authentication is not allowed.
-o BatchMode=yes
Specifies non-interactive mode (or batch mode). If password authentication is required, the command fails without prompting.


The default value is "ssh -q -n -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes".

As of Fix Pack 14, the default value is "ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes".