
LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD="application_name [application_name] ..."


Specifies a mandatory eswitch that applies to all job switch requests. LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD lists the names of the application-specific eswitch executable files used in addition to any executable files that are specified by the bswitch -a option.

For example, LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD="dce fluent" runs LSF_SERVERDIR/eswitch.dce and LSF_SERVERDIR/eswitch.fluent for all job switch requests. These eswitch files define, respectively, DCE as the mandatory security system and FLUENT as the mandatory application for all job switch requests.

LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD can also be defined as an environment variable.

The value of LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD must correspond to an actual eswitch file. For example, to use LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD=fluent, the eswitch.fluent file must exist in the LSF_SERVERDIR directory.

LSF first invokes the executable file named eswitch (without .application_name in the file name) if it exists in the LSF_SERVERDIR directory. LSF then invokes the mandatory executable files specified in the LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD parameter. Finally, LSF invokes any application-specific eswitch executable files (with .application_name in the file name) specified by the -a option.

The name of the eswitch program must be a valid file name. Valid file names contain only alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and hyphen (-).

Restriction: The name eswitch.user is reserved. Do not use the name eswitch.user for an application-specific eswitch.

LSF does not detect conflicts based on eswitch names. For example, if LSB_ESWITCH_METHOD="openmpi" and bswitch -a pvm is specified at job submission, the switch request could fail because these eswitch programs define two different types of parallel job handling.


Not defined. LSF does not apply a mandatory eswitch to job switch requests.