


If preemptive scheduling is enabled, this parameter enables preemption of and preemption by exclusive jobs when PREEMPT_JOBTYPE=EXCLUSIVE in lsb.params. Changing this parameter requires a restart of all sbatchds in the cluster (bctrld restart sbd). Do not change this parameter while exclusive jobs are running.

When LSB_DISABLE_LIMLOCK_EXCL=y, for a host running an exclusive job:
  • LIM is not locked on a host running an exclusive job.
  • lsload displays the host status ok.
  • bhosts displays the host status closed.
  • Users can run tasks on the host using lsrun or lsgrun. To prevent users from running tasks during execution of an exclusive job, the parameter LSF_DISABLE_LSRUN=y must be defined in lsf.conf.


Set to y at time of installation. If otherwise undefined, then n (LSF locks the LIM on a host running an exclusive job and unlocks the LIM when the exclusive job finishes).