Enables PIM to report swap space usage for job processes.




By default, LSF collects both memory and swap usage through PIM:
  • If the EGO_PIM_SWAP_REPORT=n parameter is set in the lsf.conf file (this is the default), swap usage is virtual memory (VSZ) of the entire job process.
  • If the EGO_PIM_SWAP_REPORT=y parameter is set in the lsf.conf file, the resident set size (RSS) is subtracted from the virtual memory usage. RSS is the portion of memory occupied by a process that is held in main memory. Swap usage is collected as the VSZ - RSS.
For example, if a job process allocates memory as follows,
malloc(p, 200MB); 
memset(p, 150MB); 
then bjobs -l shows SWAP as either 200 MB if EGO_PIM_SWAP_REPORT=n, or 50 MB if EGO_PIM_SWAP_REPORT=y.
