
Displays accounting statistics about finished IBM® Spectrum LSF Session Scheduler jobs.


ssacct [-l] job_ID [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]
ssacct [-l] "job_ID [index]" [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]
ssacct [-l] -f log_file [job_ID [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]]
ssacct [-l] -f log_file ["job_ID [index]" [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]]
ssacct [-h] | [-V]


By default, displays accounting statistics for all finished LSF Session Scheduler jobs that are submitted by the user that runs the command.


Long format. Displays extra accounting statistics.
-f log_file
Searches the specified job log file for accounting statistics. Specify either an absolute or relative path.
By default, the ssacct command searches for accounting files in directory that is defined by the SSCHED_ACCT_DIR parameter in the lsb.params file. Use this option to parse a specific file in a different location. You can specify a log file name, or a job ID, or both a log file and a job ID. The following commands are correct:
ssacct -f log_file job_ID
ssacct -f log_file
ssacct job_ID

The specified file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to 255 characters for Windows.

job_ID | "job_ID[index]"
Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays.
task_ID | "task_ID[index]"
Displays information about the specified tasks or task arrays.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints LSF session scheduler release version to stderr and exits.

Output: default format

Statistics on all tasks in the session. The following fields are displayed:
  • Total number of done tasks
  • Total CPU time in seconds used
  • Average CPU time in seconds used
  • Maximum CPU time in seconds of a task
  • Minimum CPU time in seconds of a task
  • Total wait time in seconds
  • Average wait time in seconds
  • Maximum wait time in seconds
  • Minimum wait time in seconds
  • Average turnaround time (seconds/task)
  • Maximum turnaround time (seconds/task)
  • Minimum turnaround time (seconds/task)
  • Average hog factor of a job (CPU time or turnaround time)
  • Maximum hog factor of a task (CPU time or turnaround time)
  • Minimum hog factor of a task (CPU time or turnaround time)

The total, average, minimum, and maximum statistics are on all specified tasks.

The wait time is the elapsed time from job submission to job dispatch.

The turnaround time is the elapsed time from job submission to job completion.

The hog factor is the amount of CPU time that is consumed by a job, divided by its turnaround time.

Output: long format with the -l option

In addition to the fields displayed by default in the SUMMARY output, the -l option displays the following fields:

CPU time in seconds used by the task.
Wall clock time in seconds between when the task was submitted to the LSF session scheduler and when it was dispatched to an execution host.
Wall clock time in seconds between when the task was submitted to the LSF session scheduler and when it completed running.
Status that indicates the job was either successfully completed (done) or exited (exit)
Average hog factor, equal to CPU time or turnaround time.

Example: default format

ssacct 108 1[1]
Accounting information about tasks that are:
  - submitted by all users.
  - completed normally or exited.
  - executed on all hosts.

SUMMARY:      ( time unit: second )
 Total number of done tasks:       1      Total number of exited tasks:     0
 Total CPU time consumed:       0.0      Average CPU time consumed:     0.0
 Maximum CPU time of a task:     0.0      Minimum CPU time of a task:     0.0
 Total wait time:     2.0
 Average wait time:    2.0
 Maximum wait time:    2.0      Minimum wait time:    2.0
 Average turnaround time:         3 (seconds/task)
 Maximum turnaround time:         3      Minimum turnaround time:         3
 Average hog factor of a task:  0.01 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
 Maximum hog factor of a task :  0.01      Minimum hog factor of a task:  0.01

Example: long format with the -l option

ssacct -l 108 1[1]
Accounting information about tasks that are:
  - submitted by all users.
  - completed normally or exited.
  - executed on all hosts.

Job <108>, Task <1>, User <user1>, Status <Done> Command <myjob>
Thu Nov  1 13:48:03 2008: Submitted from host <hostA>;
Thu Nov  1 13:48:05 2008: Dispatched to <hostA>, Execution CWD </home/user1/src>
Thu Nov  1 13:48:06 2008: Completed <done>.

Accounting information about this job:
      0.03        2              3     done         0.0113

SUMMARY:      ( time unit: second )
 Total number of done tasks:       1      Total number of exited tasks:     0
 Total CPU time consumed:       0.0      Average CPU time consumed:     0.0
 Maximum CPU time of a task:     0.0      Minimum CPU time of a task:     0.0
 Total wait time:     2.0
 Average wait time:    2.0
 Maximum wait time:    2.0      Minimum wait time:    2.0
 Average turnaround time:         3 (seconds/task)
 Maximum turnaround time:         3      Minimum turnaround time:         3
 Average hog factor of a task:  0.01 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
 Maximum hog factor of a task :  0.01      Minimum hog factor of a task:  0.01


Reads job_ID.ssched.acct

See also

ssched, lsb.params