slsreghost (UNIX)

UNIX version of the lsreghost command registers UNIX LSF host names and IP addresses with LSF servers so that LSF servers can internally resolve these hosts without requiring a DNS server.


lsreghost -s file_path/hostregsetup
lsreghost [-h | -V]


Directly registers UNIX LSF host names and IP addresses with LSF servers so that LSF servers can internally resolve these hosts without requiring a DNS server. The lsreghost command resolves the host name and IP address for LSF hosts with non-static IP addresses in environments where DNS is not able to properly resolve these hosts after their IP addresses change.

You must run this command with root privileges. If you want to register the local host at regular intervals, set up a cron job to run this command.

To use this command, the LSF_REG_FLOAT_HOSTS=Y parameter must be defined in the lsf.conf file.


-s file_path/hostregsetup
The lsreghost command sends a register message to all LSF servers listed in the specified hostregsetup file and exits.
The hostregsetup file is a text file with the names of the LSF servers to which the local host must register itself. Each line in the file contains the host name of one LSF server. Empty lines and #comment text are ignored.
Tip: If the LSB_SHAREDIR directory, where the reghostcache file is located, is a shared directory that is accessible to all hosts in the cluster, you need to define only the management host in the hostregsetup file.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.