
Displays load information for LSF hosts and periodically updates the display.


lsmon [-N | -E] [-n num_hosts] [-R res_req] [-I index_list] [-i interval] [-L file_name] [host_name ...]
lsmon [-h | -V]


Note: This command is deprecated and might be removed in a future version of LSF.

The lsmon command is a full-screen LSF monitoring utility that displays and updates load information for hosts in a cluster.

By default, displays load information for all hosts in the cluster, up to the number of lines that fit on-screen.

By default, displays raw load indices.

By default, load information is sorted according to CPU and paging load.

By default, load information is updated every 10 seconds.


Displays normalized CPU run queue length load indices.
Displays effective CPU run queue length load indices. Options -N and -E are mutually exclusive.
-n num_hosts
Displays only load information for the requested number of hosts. Information for up to num_hosts hosts that best satisfy resource requirements is displayed.
-R res_req
Displays only load information for hosts that satisfy the specified resource requirements.

Load information for the hosts is sorted according to load on the specified resources.

If resource requirement res_req contains special resource names, only load information for hosts that provide these resources is displayed. Use the lshosts command to find out what resources are available on each host.

If one or more host names are specified, only load information for the hosts that satisfy the resource requirements is displayed.

-I index_list
Displays only load information for the specified load indices. Load index names must be separated by a colon (for example, r1m:pg:ut).

If the index list index_list is too long to fit in the screen, the output is truncated. For example, if the invoker's screen is 80 characters wide, then up to 10 load indices are displayed.

-i interval
Sets how often load information is updated on-screen, in seconds.
-L file_name
Saves load information in the specified file while it is displayed on-screen.

If you do not want load information to be displayed on your screen at the same time, use lsmon -L file_name < /dev/null. The format of the file is described in the lim.acct file reference.

host_name ...
Displays only load information for the specified hosts.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


You can use the following commands while lsmon is running:

[^L | i | n | N | E | R | q]

Refreshes the screen.
Prompts you to input a new update interval.
Prompts you to input a new number of hosts to display.
Toggles between displaying raw CPU run queue length load indices and normalized CPU run queue length load indices.
Toggles between displaying raw CPU run queue length load indices and effective CPU run queue length load indices.
Prompts you to input new resource requirements.
Quits lsmon.


The following fields are displayed by default.
Name of specified hosts for which load information is displayed, or if resource requirements were specified, name of hosts that satisfied the specified resource requirement and for which load information is displayed.
Status of the host. A minus sign (-) can precede the status, indicating that the Remote Execution Server (RES) on the host is not running.
The following statuses are supported:
The host is in normal load-sharing state and can accept remote jobs.
The host is overloaded because some load indices exceed configured thresholds. Load index values that caused the host to be busy are preceded by an asterisk (*. Built-in load indices include r15s, r1m, r15m, ut, pg, io, ls, it, swp, mem, and tmp. External load indices are configured in the file lsf.cluster.cluster_name.
The host is locked by its run window. Run windows for a host are specified in the lsf.conf file and can be displayed by the lshosts command. A locked host does not accept load shared jobs from other hosts.
The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root.
The host is down or the Load Information Manager (LIM) on the host is not running.
The host does not have a valid LSF license.
The 15 second exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The 1 minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The 15 minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The CPU utilization exponentially averaged over the last minute, 0 - 1.
The memory paging rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in pages per second.
The number of current login users.
On UNIX, the idle time of the host (the keyboard was not touched on all logged in sessions), in minutes.

On Windows, the it index is based on the time a screen saver is active on a particular host.

The amount of free space in /tmp, in MBytes.
The amount of currently available swap space, in MB.
The amount of currently available memory, in MB.


Specifying an incorrect resource requirement string with the R option while the lsmon command is running causes the lsmon command to exit with an error message.

lsmon exits if it does not receive a reply from LIM within the update interval.

See also

lshosts, lsinfo, lsload, lslockhost, lim.acct, ls_load