
Shuts down the LIM, RES, sbatchd, and mbatchd daemons on all hosts in the cluster.


lsfshutdown [-f | -pdsh]
lsfshutdown [-h | -V]



This command can be used only by root, the primary cluster administrator, or users who are listed in the lsf.sudoers file.

Shuts down the sbatchd, RES, LIM, and mbatchd daemons, in that order, on all hosts.

By default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is encountered.

To be able to control all daemons in the cluster, the file /etc/lsf.sudoers must be set up properly.


Force mode. Continues to shut down daemons even if an error is encountered.
Enable parallel remote command execution with the PDSH tool. The PDSH tool is required on management hosts and management candidates. The chunk size is 400 hosts.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.

See also

badmin, lsadmin, lsfrestart, lsfstartup, lsf.sudoers.