
Specifies the job script for the bsub command to load, parse, and run from the command line.


bsub [options] job_script


The LSB_BSUB_PARSE_SCRIPT parameter must be set to Y in the lsf.conf file to specify a job script.

The job script must be an ASCII text file and not a binary file. The job script does not have to be an executable file because the contents of the job script are parsed and run as part of the job.

Use the #BSUB imperative (in upper case letters) at the beginning of each line to specify job submission options in the script.


The following script ( uses the #BSUB imperative to run the myjob1 arg1 and myjob2 arg2 commands with the bsub -n 2 and -P myproj options:

#BSUB -n 2
myjob1 arg1
myjob2 arg2
#BSUB -P myproj

Run the following command to use this job script:
