
Specifies the affinity preferences for the job.




bsub -jobaff "[! | # | ~]attribute_name ..."
bsub -jobaff "attribute([! | # | ~]attribute_name ...)"
bsub -jobaff "[! | # | ~]samehost(job_id)"
bsub -jobaff "[! | # | ~]samecu(job_id)"


Use the bsub command with the -jobaff option to specify the affinity preferences for the job:

[! | # | ~]attribute_name ...
Use no keywords to specify the preferences for hosts on which LSF would run the current job based on host attributes. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. Specifying the following special characters before the attribute name indicates the following preferences:
  • Default (no special character): It is preferred for the host to have this attribute.
  • !: It is preferred for the host to not have this attribute.
  • #: It is mandatory for the host to have this attribute.
  • ~: It is mandatory for the host to not have this attribute.
attribute([! | # | ~]attribute_name ...)
Using the attribute keyword is the same as using no keywords (that is, using the attribute keyword specifies the preferences for hosts on which LSF would run the current job based on host attributes).
[! | # | ~]samehost(job_id)
Use the samehost keyword to specify the preference for the job to run on the same host on which another job with the specified job ID runs. The job ID can be a simple job or array job element, but you cannot specify multiple job IDs. The SAME_JOB_AFFINITY parameter must be set to Y or y in the lsb.params file to use the samehost keyword.

Specifying the following special characters before the samehost keyword indicates the following preferences:

  • Default (no special character): It is preferred for the job to run on the same host on which the specified job runs.
  • !: It is preferred for the job to not run on the same host on which the specified job runs.
  • #: It is mandatory for the job to run on the same host on which the specified job runs.
  • ~: It is mandatory for the job to not run on the same host on which the specified job runs.
[! | # | ~]samecu(job_id)
Use the samecu keyword to specify the preference for the job to run on a compute unit on which another job with the specified job ID runs. The job ID can be a simple job or array job element, but you cannot specify multiple job IDs. The SAME_JOB_AFFINITY parameter must be set to Y or y in the lsb.params file to use the samecu keyword.

Specifying the following special characters before the samecu keyword indicates the following preferences:

  • Default (no special character): It is preferred for the job to run on the same compute unit on which the specified job runs.
  • !: It is preferred for the job to not run on the same compute unit on which the specified job runs.
  • #: It is mandatory for the job to run on the same compute unit on which the specified job runs.
  • ~: It is mandatory for the job to not run on the same compute unit on which the specified job runs.
Note: If you submit a job with a samehost or samecu affinity for a job that is finished and there are no other unfinished jobs that reference this finished job at submission time, LSF cleans the finished job's allocation host information from the job scheduler. With no host allocation information for the finished job, your job submission with mandatory samehost or samecu requirements would pend indefinitely, and if your job submission has a preferred samehost or samecu requirement, the preferred requirement is ignored.

See also
