
Dispatches the job for execution on or after the specified date and time.




bsub -b [[year:][month:]day:]hour:minute


The date and time are in the form of [[year:][month:]day:]hour:minute where the number ranges are as follows: year after 1970, month 1-12, day 1-31, hour 0-23, minute 0-59.

At least two fields must be specified. These fields are assumed to be hour:minute. If three fields are given, they are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are assumed to be year:month:day:hour:minute.

If the year field is specified and the specified time is in the past, the start time condition is considered reached and LSF dispatches the job if slots are available.


bsub -b 20:00 -J my_job_name my_program

Submit my_program to run after 8 p.m. and assign it the job name my_job_name.