
Specify automatic job re-queue exit values.




bsub -Q "exit_code [exit_code ...] [EXCLUDE(exit_code ...)]"


Use spaces to separate multiple exit codes. The reserved keyword all specifies all exit codes. Exit codes are typically between 0 and 255. Use a tilde (~) to exclude specified number or numbers from the list.

exit_code has the following form:
"[all] [~number ...] | [number ...]"

Job level exit values override application-level and queue-level values.

Jobs running with the specified exit code share the same application and queue with other jobs.

Define an exit code as EXCLUDE(exit_code) to enable exclusive job re-queue. Exclusive job re-queue does not work for parallel jobs.

If mbatchd is restarted, it does not remember the previous hosts from which the job exited with an exclusive re-queue exit code. In this situation, it is possible for a job to be dispatched to hosts on which the job has previously exited with an exclusive exit code.