
Displays pending jobs that are ineligible for scheduling.




bjobs -pi


An ineligible pending job remains pending even if there are enough resources to run it and is therefore ineligible for scheduling. Reasons for a job to remain pending, and therefore be in an ineligible pending state, include the following:

  • The job has a start time constraint (specified with the -b option)
  • The job is suspended while pending (in a PSUSP state).
  • The queue of the job is made inactive by the administrator or by its time window.
  • The job's dependency conditions are not satisfied.
  • The job cannot fit into the run time window (RUN_WINDOW)
  • Delayed scheduling is enabled for the job (NEW_JOB_SCHED_DELAY is greater than zero)
  • The job's queue or application profile does not exist.

A job that is not under any of the ineligible pending state conditions is treated as an eligible pending job.

This option is valid only when TRACK_ELIGIBLE_PENDINFO in lsb.params is set to Y or y (enabled).