
Changes the file permission mode of a file that is staged in to the LSF data management cache.


bdata chmod [-dmd cluster_name] -mode octal_mode -mode [host_name:]abs_file_path


Note: The CACHE_ACCESS_CONTROL = Y parameter must be configured in the lsf.datamanager file to use the bdata chmod command. Only the owner of the file or data tag can change the group access with the bdata chmod command.

Use the bdata chmod command to change the permission mode of files that are required for your job that are already staged in to the cache.

The file must be in the transferred or idle state for the chmod command to succeed.

The chmod command interacts with the PERMISSION_MASK parameter in the lsf.datamanager file. The permission mask controls which permissions on a file can be changed by the bdata chmod command.
File owners can modify user rwx bits, group rw bits, but not global bits.
File owners can modify all the bits.
FIle owners cannot modify any permissions.

The permissions on the directory that the file is in are changed to be consistent with the file permission, but the owner always has full access at the directory level. If the permissions on the file allow the group or others permission to read, write, or execute, the same permissions are enabled on the directory. For example, if PERMISSION_MASK=777 and the file mode is 570 (r-xrwx---), the permissions on the directory are changed to 770 (rwxrwxr---).

The value of the octal-mode argument is three octal digits (0-7), derived by adding up the bits with values 4, 2, and 1. The first digit selects permissions for the user who owns the file: read (4), write (2), and execute (1). The second digit selects the permissions for other users in the group that is associated with the file. The third digit selects the permissions for other users not in the group that is associated with the file.