Enabling plan-based scheduling and reservations

Enabling plan-based scheduling and reservations involves the parameters ALLOCATION_PLANNER and PLAN = Y. When plan-based scheduling is enabled, parameters related to the old reservation features are ignored.

Enabling planning based scheduling

By default, planning based scheduling is disabled. To enable, in the lsb.params file, set the ALLOCATION_PLANNER parameter to Y.

By itself, this parameter does not have any effect on scheduling behavior. You need to separately identify sets of candidate jobs to consider in the planner.

When planning based scheduled is enabled, it is recommended to enable the parameter BACKFILL=Y in the lsb.queues file.

Identifying jobs as candidates for planned reservations

To identify sets of jobs as candidates that should be considered by the scheduling planner, configure the parameter PLAN = Y at the application level (lsb.applications file), at the queue level (lsb.queues file), or cluster level (lsb.params file).

When the parameter is configured at multiple levels, the application-level setting overrides the queue-level setting, which overrides the cluster-level setting.

For jobs identified as candidates by this parameter, LSF will consider creation of an allocation plan. LSF will then reserve for jobs as needed in order to execute the plan.