Upgrading Encryption Key Manager to IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 4.0

You can upgrade Encryption Key Manager to IBM® Security Key Lifecycle Manager version 4.0 (target).

Complete the following steps:
  1. Review the upgrade path and determine the migration method. See Supported upgrade paths and migration methods.
  2. Review the restrictions and requirements. See Pre-upgrade restrictions and requirements for Encryption Key Manager.
  3. Complete the pre-upgrade tasks. See Pre-upgrade tasks for Encryption Key Manager.
  4. Install the target version.
  5. If you installed the target version on another host server, or if you skipped data migration during installation, migrate data using the following steps.
    1. Backing up Encryption Key Manager data
    2. Restoring the Encryption Key Manager backup to IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager
  6. Complete post-upgrade tasks. See Post-upgrade tasks for Encryption Key Manager.