CICS BAC resource names

All CICS® BAC resource names conform to the following format:

The prefix $CBK is a constant that identifies all CICS BAC resource names and distinguishes them from the resource names of other products.

The remaining parts of CICS BAC resource names are defined as follows:
Identifies the CICS region to which the resource belongs.
Indicates the type of access required for the resource and can be one of the following values:
Indicates that the resource resides in a VSAM KSDS control file and access is required for administrative purposes such as to read, edit, or delete the resource entry.
Indicates a resource that is the subject of a batch request utility command that operates on the named resource.
The definition of objectType is dependent upon whether the value of accessType is ADMIN or EXECUTE, and is explained in Administrative object types and object names and Execution object types and object names.
The definition of objectName is dependent upon whether the value of accessType is ADMIN or EXECUTE, and is explained in Administrative object types and object names and Execution object types and object names.